The greatest design company on earth operating in the greatest city on earth?
Come one, come all and witness the Goliath of Graffix.
Check out our redonkulous logo gallery to see what we mean.
It’s not just design, it’s our business model.
“”Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them. Sometimes it’s an ad.” – Howard Gossage
Not so long ago, we hired a clever guy in New York to help us get this website speaking properly. We liked his work so much we decided to partner up, and we now offer copywriting services.
We are comfortable writing for any voice. We can speak at both Ivy League cocktail parties and neighborhood bars. No matter who your audience is, we can communicate with them clearly.
Maybe you want a viral video script that will make people laugh their butts off? We can do that. (Do you have insurance for when your audience members sue you to pay for their gluteal replacement surgery?)
Maybe you want a billboard that demands attention. We can do that, too. (Do you have insurance for when drivers sue you after the highway pileup?)
Maybe you want a clean, straightforward brochure written up. No problem. (No one will sue you. Your lawyers will be bored.)
The point is, there’s a whole lot of words in the dictionary, and it can be hard to find the right ones. But you know they’re in there somewhere. Think of us as your bloodhound to sniff them out.
Goliath Graffix
36 West Colorado Boulevard #208
Pasadena, CA 91105
Phone (626) 921-5808 | Fax (626) 628-1712