The greatest design company on earth operating in the greatest city on earth?
We just work from a different office.
Check out our redonkulous logo gallery to see what we mean.
And it seems our clients love us too. But don’t take our word for it.
Learn more about our treatment.
“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” – Voltaire
Are You Expensive?
We are a small firm, with low overhead, and we pass the savings on to you. Often, we cost less than half what a big agency would charge! When you spend a dollar with us, it won’t be allowed to go to waste. Instead, each one of your budgeted dollars will be made to do hard labor until it dies of exhaustion. Then, we will bury it with full honors in our account.
What should I do with my life?
This is frequently asked questions, not frequently answered questions. Here is a list of jobs with the highest satisfaction ratings: BestJobs. And here are the ones to steer clear of: WorstJobs. Good luck!
Do you charge by the hour, or a flat rate?
We generally work for a flat fee, because we like to keep our relationships simple, although some projects require hourly billing.
Can you meet our deadline?
If we agree to a deadline, we will meet it, beat it, or die in the attempt.
Do you do spec work?
Um…no. We discussed why we do not do spec work in our blog.
Our secretary can design. Why do we need you?
Keeping your creative work in-house can cost you dearly in more ways than one. Check out an article we wrote about the 4 Hidden Costs of In-House Creatives.
Is my spouse cheating on me?
Not with anyone in this office.
What kind of service will we get?
Because Goliath Graffix is small, working with us is like having your own in-house graphic design team. That is, Goliath Graffix is available at all times to its clients. Of course, normal human functioning dictates that there be brief breaks in service, but we are looking into cybernetic workarounds.
Can you handle our large project?
Yes. We’re hungrier than the biggest agencies, and we do our best to outwork them. Also, our small team means that we are nimble and can quickly make changes to projects without hours of meetings.
What awards have you won?
To us, awards mean that an agency is expensive. We aren’t. Also, we’re too busy pouring ourselves into the work to court awards. If awards are your thing, however, we will make up a few that sound appropriately glorious, award them to ourselves, and send you a press release.
This article is translated to Serbo-Croatian language by Jovana Milutinovich from Web Geeks Resources.
Goliath Graffix
36 West Colorado Boulevard #208
Pasadena, CA 91105
Phone (626) 921-5808 | Fax (626) 628-1712