The greatest design company on earth operating in the greatest city on earth?
We just work from a different office.
Check out our redonkulous logo gallery to see what we mean.
And it seems our clients love us too. But don’t take our word for it.
Learn more about our treatment.
“Opportunities are never lost, someone WILL take the one you miss.”
– Andy Rooney
When Fred Tatlyan founded Goliath Graffix in 2000, he had to pick a city as its home. Lucky for him, his own hometown of Pasadena just happened to be a creative hub and a constant source of inspiration, and so was the perfect place to open his graphic design business. Ever since then, the firm has been dedicated to serving Pasadena.
The variety and character of the town makes it irresistible. Pasadena plays host to the geniuses of CalTech, but also to the old-time glory of the Rose Parade. It’s the kind of place that can bring in the new without ruining the old. For example, you might see a Mac store inside a building that used to be a horse stable (Apple, if you decide to use that idea, please don’t forget to send us our share of the iMoney). Pasadena is green and brilliant and charming … and the California girls you see walking down the street don’t hurt either.
Man, we love it here.
Goliath Graffix
36 West Colorado Boulevard #208
Pasadena, CA 91105
Phone (626) 921-5808 | Fax (626) 628-1712